The Pier Shareware 3
The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso
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File List
896 lines
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│ Subject 10 - DOS Utilities / Helps │
│ │
│ Files: 272 Bytes: 25,923,992 │
1003.ZIP Text information about Novell DOS 7!
2000NT39.ZIP NT drivers needed for the Always IN2000 SCSI
2BARS.ZIP Graphic 3-D Bar Display Shows How Many And
What Type of Files on Your Computer. Nice
Looking Summary of Filespecs on Your Hard
Drive - Shows Extensions And Total Files
Above The Bar Graphs. VGA Support.
2READ.ZIP Read is a small, simple-minded text file pgm
that will load an ASCII file and pop it up
on the screen allowing you to scroll up and
down from beginning to end and then exit
2TIME.ZIP Utility to Print The Date And The Time With
A.M. And P.m. Instead of in Military Time.
4D402B.ZIP 4DOS 4.02 rev B patch update from 4.02 rev A
ONLY USEFUL if you currently have 4DOS 4.02
rev A to update to rev B. Requires
4DPATCH.ZIP 6-7-93 release
4ED.ZIP 4DOS description editor, great! w/mouse
Does single & marked files. Edits 4DOS/NDOS
"file notes." Very fast assembly written
power tool - only 31k Shareware. US $20 Reg.
for 4DOS & NDOS. Does single & marked
files. Edits descriptions. Point-&-shoot
loading. Fast! For DOS, Windows, OS/2 &
DV. $30 reg gets you printed manual.
4HIST.ZIP 4HIST- Free 4DOS utility: command history
duplicate entry deleter v1.00, 09/08/93.
(c) 1993 by David Daniel Anderson - Reign
Ware. 4HIST removes all superfluous lines
from the current 4DOS command history list.
Files: 6 09-08-93...09-08-93 New: 5
4NT10D.ZIP 4DOS/NT patches to update rev A, B, or C to
rev D. ONLY USEFUL if you already have
4DOS/NT 1.0 rev A, B, or C (use VER /R to
check what rev you have). Not needed by new
4DOS/NT users. Also requires JP Software
4SIGHT13.ZIP 4DOS Utilities, File Name Completion And A
File Viewer.
4UTILS73.ZIP Free utilities for 4DOS/NDOS. Includes: 1)
4DESC 1.52 Full-screen 4DOS file description
editor with cut and paste capability. And
OTHERS. With Turbo Pascal 6.0 source.
700TO701.EXE Run-time patch for QEMM 7.00 (self
84NW386.ZIP Proteon nw 386 file server driver for p184x.
ABTVIEW.ZIP Batch file utility set SHAREWARE Creates
popup menus and message windows for DOS
Batch files. User controls colors and menu
and message window wallpapers.
ACD221.ZIP Another Change Directory v2.21 - excellent
Change Directory utility which improves on
Norton and LED
ADDBYTES.ZIP Detects And Shows Available Drives And Bytes
Respectively. Total Bytes Available is
Added And Shown as Well. Displayed on one
AELITE12.ZIP Aris Edit Lite v1.2: general purpose text
editor; up to 10 editing windows;
multimegabyte filesize; 25/28/30/34/43/50/60
line modes; UNDO last 1000 text changes;
line & rectangular block marking; auto word
search; read-only editting mode; bookmarks;
bracket matching; regular expression search
ALLBUT10.ZIP ALLBUT v1.0 File-deletion utility. Deletes
all files in the present subdirectory EXCEPT
those specified on command-line. Free for
personal use
AMISE211.ZIP AMIsetup v2.11 Shareware external setup
program for 386/486 PC s with modern AMI
BIOS (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS). Can conveniently
change ALL setup options (even undisplayed)
ANA015.ZIP Binary file analyzer.
ANSIALL5.ZIP ANSIALL5.COM - ANSI like driver run by a.COM
file but MUCH faster!
ANSI_J.ZIP ANSI.COM v1.3j - PC Magazine's ANSI driver.
Enhances performance of DOS's ANSI.SYS AND
ANSIPCB.COM - ANSI<->PCBoard module
APPT120.ZIP Allbut V1.0 File-Deletion Utility. Deletes
All Files In The Present Subdirectory Except
Those Specified On Command-Line. Free For
Personal Use.
ARCONV01.ZIP Archive Management Utilities For 4DOS/Ndos.
ATOSUB22.ZIP Subjects v1.1 <ASP> - lists contents of
AUTOSIG incoming or saved message files
providing quick bird's eye view of a file.
By Paul Munoz-Colman
AUTCHK21.ZIP AutoChek 2.1 automatically run applications.
AUTRD201.ZIP AUTOREAD v2.01: allows you to read large
text files (especially sharewre manuals) as
easily as reading a book;
BATCH_A.ZIP A simple (2) batch files that show you how
to save disk space
BBSAMT30.ZIP BBSAMT30 - BBS ANSI Music Tutorial, version
3.0, is a self-viewing tutorial explaining
the coding and use of ANSI music in BBS
applications (screens, menus, messages, etc
BBUTILR.ZIP Batch Files which perfectly emulate the
Bronx Bomber's utilities - helps DOS work
BEEP_.ZIP Beep! - provides a selection of beeps to
signal you that your file transfers are
complete. Handy!
BIGSRT42.ZIP Unlimited-size SORT program, many options.
Replaces bigsrt41.zip. Bug fixes +
enhancements to the /V verbose option.
BIGTXT23.ZIP BigText v2.3 compresses book-size text files
of 700kb or more into a single executable
file that fits on a 360k disk. Can include
full color illustrations, etc.
BIOSDATE.ZIP BIOSDATE version 1.00 Find out the BIOS date
of your BIOS. Useful for troubleshooting,
and upgrading.
BM16.ZIP Battery Master 1.6 by Decisis, Inc.
Essential laptop software that works on
battery powered computers to monitor and
predict battery performance based on
computer use.
BOBCAT22.ZIP Bobcat v2.2: file-directory/program manager
that is beautifully graphic & easily
customized w/online help at the press of a
key; 04/04/93; William Cravener/Swift-Ware.
BOOKE105.ZIP The Book-E v1.05 Make stand alone EXE's from
plain text files for distributing books,
newsletters etc.. Customize your colors and
BOOTOV11.ZIP Bootover v1.1 Boot from DOS or OS/2.
BOOTR10.ZIP BOOT'R v1.0 - DOS Configuration Manager
BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
management of multiple configurations on a
single machine.
BOOTS2A.ZIP Newest version of Boots-Now compatible with
DOS 6 and Double Space.EASY multiple booting
by Jeffrey Gross.
BSTNT163.ZIP BestNet v1.63: sets an environment variable
NET to the best network shell based on the
DOS version and the presence of either EMS
or XMS memory, allowing you to then load the
net shell by putting %NET% in your batch
BTMK26.ZIP BatchMaker Plus v2.6 by Brian Pfaffl <ASP>
BYTE24.ZIP Byte Magazine's Benchmark for DOS v2.4. 54
CALMER34.ZIP The general installation program. Used to
specify default setup, including colors and
general options.
CALVIN22.ZIP Calvin v2.2: screen text editor that
implements a subset of the Unix screen
editor vi; will use all available memory for
storing the file, & can optionally store
info on disk Supports EGA 43-line & VGA
50-line modes
CATSTATS.ZIP Cat-Stats v2.1: For use With CatDisk, reads
CatDisk catalog and gives a total of the
file size contained in your collection
CCD134.ZIP A fast change directory program allows
changing to any drive or subdirectory by
specifying directory name of file name.
also includes FAST-NBY
CENVIW1.ZIP Cmm ver 1.0 C -- (Minus Minus) Provides the
power & flexibility of C programming to
Batch files. Build stand-alone scripts or
add features to your DOS batch files
CF536B.ZIP CMFiler Ver 5.36b is a shareware disk/file
manager featuring side by side file listing
or directory tree display, full suite of
dir/file services
CHANSW53.ZIP Chainsaw is a command line driven directory
pruner; does not stop for user confirmation
so can be readily used from w/in batch files;
compact and useful utilities that are
entirely free. Very useful for batch file
programing. Includes a hex to decimal
converter, a program that increases the
keyboard buffer that is NOT memory resident.
CHEK4DUP.ZIP Generates list of files that exist in both
.EXE and .COM form. This usually occurs
when software is upgraded from a COM format
to an EXE format and the old COM version is
accidentally left on the system. Part of
TNT package. Version 1.2
CHKSYS10.ZIP CHKSYS v1.0 ASP - System status utility
Reports status of various TSRs, drivers,
etc., via errorlevel, screen report, and
environment variable.
CINFO20.EXE CINFO v2.00, this is a diagnostic utility
for your PC; provides detailed info on over
30 items. Supports VGA. Finds system
CLAK20.ZIP Menu help custom control for Visual Basic.
provide your users with dynamic help with a
menu help bar.
CLIPBOOT.ZIP ClipBoot is a utility that allows you to
change your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys
files and optionally reboot your computer.
CLONE114.ZIP Clone version 1.14 file copier, better than
CLRTMP10.ZIP ClearTemp v1.0: erases all dead files in the
directory pointed to by the environment
variable TEMP, TMP or WINTEMP; files in
subdirs and open files are not touched;
CMDDAT10.ZIP Command-Date v1.0: util that can be used to
selectively execute DOS cmds on files
selected by date. Handy!
CMEDT317.ZIP CMEditor (CM EDITR) v3.17: small, fast text
line editor able to edit or view large files
w/long lines; easy mnemonic command structure
CMF536C.ZIP CMFiler v5.36c: Side-by-side disk/file
manager w/built-in editor, launcher,
notepad, kitchen sink etc.
COLORDIR.ZIP Colorful alternative to DOS's DIR command
COLRD152.ZIP COLORDOS v1.52 ASP - Generates a unique
prompt drive letter color & a different text
color for each drive in your system. MORE!
TSR 1K From KroTek Electronics US$11.00.
COLRDIR2.ZIP Colorful improvement over DOS's DIR command
discover the shocking truth how clusters
waste your hard drive space! see how big
your subdirectories are in a single glance!
CRCLST10.ZIP CRCLIST 1.01 generate list of CRC-16
CRNTB221.ZIP CRONTAB v2.21: Run programs daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.
CSAP400.ZIP CSAP - Sort, pack, and truncate directories.
Late beta release w/bug fixes.
Files: 13 02-14-91...09-10-93 New: 8
CTEST259.ZIP COMPTEST is a program that determines the
system configuration and performance
characteristics of PC compatible computers.
CTRL3_74.ZIP Control 3 file management utility. It is
much like Norton Commander but better and
faster since you can show 3 drives on the
screen at once.
CUSORT31.ZIP Colorado Utilities Sort (CUSORT) v3.1: sorts
up to 2 billion records in regular memory;
ascending or descending order; recognize or
ignore upper and lower case;
CUT_10.ZIP Cut@ v1.0 will read a text file, look for a
specified string, and write the first,
second or both parts into new files.
CYRIXWAR.ZIP This is a warning about using DOS 6.0 with a
CYRIX processor.
D12.ZIP D 1.2 - D is a file, directory, and archive
manager. D provides standard and advanced
operations via an intuitive easy to use
interface. If you like DR, CP, or DM
(DirMagic), you'll love D.Supported by author
DAAG32.ZIP DISK-at-a-GLANCE v3.2 Scroll Through
Directory Map
DASBOT22.ZIP DASBOOT v2.2 <ASP> - A menu program to allow
the user to select between several sets of
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to help
you get the maximum amount of memory for
using memory hungry programs, and then an
easy way to restore your normal day-to-day
configura- tion. Compatible with Stacker
DCH101.ZIP DCH- Free DOS utility: batch file query
v1.01, 09/07/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
Anderson - Reign Ware. DCH reads a
keystroke and sets the DOS errorlevel
DDIR92.ZIP Forward/backward scrollable double-column
directory display (say that 3 times fast)v9.2
DDIRV92.ZIP DDIR v9.2: gives a non-scrolling,
doublecolumn directory display; shows
protected, system & hidden files and m o r e.
DINT_SW1.ZIP DINT v.1.0 a DOS INterrupt 21h Toolkit
provides a quick reference to the
sub-functions of Interrupt 21h. Registered
version provides a test facility.
DIRXC110.ZIP DirX Command-Line lister v1.10: smaller,
simpler version of DirX for when you just
want a listing of compressed and
uncompressed files; redirectable; 06/29/93;
Raymond T.Kaya
DIR_SRT.ZIP Batch File That Sorts The Directory That You
DL134.ZIP Very comprehensive directory listing program
Even allows generation of batch files to
delete or copy files. Vast array of listing
DMBB262.ZIP DMBB v2.62: super system info programs that
provides you w/date, bios, dos, cpu, drives,
memory, TSRs, etc. All with errorlevels;
DOS049P1.ZIP Patches to Linux DOS emulator v.0.49. Fixes
broken use of monochrome monitors. Also
fixes Makefile for use with Linux kernel
v.99pl12. Compressed using GZIP.
DOS60405.ZIP DOS6SUPP.EXE -- 4.5.93 update supplemental
disk with AccessDOS for persons with
disabilities and very complete set of
DOS6PR.ZIP PBS DOS v6 "applet" - performs in depth
check on your doublespaced hard disk to
check for suspect areas which may cause
cross-linked files/data failures.Use
w/CHKDSK / F the fix
DOS6SUPP.ZIP DOS6 Supplement Disk, from Microsoft. See
the back page of the 6.0 manual for details.
DOS6_QD.ZIP Quarterdeck Tech Note #166: Ms-Dos 6 And
Quarterdeck Products.
DOSVUE15.ZIP Latest version of great DOS file utility
DPCLK101.ZIP DPCLOCK (DOS Prompt CLOCK) v1.01: onscreen
clock displayed ONLY at the DOS prompt;
compatible w/DOSKEY and PCED 2.1;
DQM123.ZIP DOS Quiz Manager (DQM) v1.23: allows you to
customize the suite of DOS Quiz programs
(DOS 5 Quiz, DOSQuiz & Advanced DOSQuiz);
D_CHK102.ZIP Compare date-time stamps on two files.
Return errorlevel based on parameters. And
ENV_31.ZIP Environ v3.1: utility that can be used to
delete selected variables from the DOS
master environment, storing those selected
to a file before it does so and can also be
used to restore these saved variables, or
EPM20.ZIP EasyPopUpMaker-v2.0 (EPM.EXE) is a popUp
menu Terminate-and-Stay (TSR) program which
creates other TSR's programs without
programming. This package can save you time
by letting you add menus to your other
programs, make TSR for many uses.
EXC27.ZIP EXC v2.7: script processor for DOS apps that
works like your communications scripts w/key
on timing, data on the screen, etc. Non-TSR
EXECDBX.ZIP This file contains Contents_Signatures of
commercial software. This file is for use
with the FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature system.
FDATE.ZIP Free utility which calls system date in
batch, then allows you to vary it's format.
FDATE81A.ZIP FDATE v8.1A: utility for date manipulation
in batch files; versatile and handy.
FED160.ZIP FED (FileEDit) v1.60. A binary file editor
f files in Hex/ASCII or EBCDIC. Full
featured, invaluable tool for the dos
support guru.
FFF43.ZIP FileFinder v4.3 - <ASP> Finds Files and
directories on normal and networked drives.
New directory find program, search and sort
times decreased by 20%. Search for
duplicate files including inside compressed
files. One of the fastest most versatile
File/Directory finder available.
FFG153.ZIP File Finder/Grouper performs 3 tasks:
Searches disks/archive files for files based
on user criteria, Groups files for batch
processing as a unit, groups files for
building databases.
FILEDATE.ZIP FileDate v1.00 - easy to use Freeware day,
month, year, hour, minute, second file date
changer w/support for wildcards
FILEMV06.ZIP Mv Fast and safe file moving Utility.
Features clear space lookahead, safety etc..
FILEX12.ZIP FILEX v1.2 Studies File Extension and Tells
What Kind of File
FINDBIG.ZIP Locate all BIG files on your Hard Drive Safe
and bug free and handy. V1.0 FindBIG
FL150.ZIP Fast Load -- Keeps files in E/XMS for
ultrafast load/access. Faster than disk
cache or RAM drive methods. Shareware.
FLY14.ZIP FLY v1.4 - create batch files 'on-th-fly' ■
Now support 4DOS/NDOSBTM files! more!
FOUND402.ZIP Replacement For Dir And Other Commands.
Version02. Latest Fully Enabled Version Of
"D" Comlete With Ability To Display Files In
4 Different Sorted Orders In 3 Formats, etc
Well conceived. Highly Configurable!
FREE22.ZIP Free Resources at Aglance Shows The Amount
of Free Space on HD And in Conventional
Memory Using Text Based Graphs And Special
Video Effects.
FUMBS101.ZIP FIXUMBS v1.01 UMB management aid for DOS 5
(or above).
FVIEW11C.ZIP File Viewer v1.1C: MS-Windows app that will
allow you to view ASCII/Hex files; drag and
drop, text/Hex search, fully customizable,
extensive help and much more;
GLB05.ZIP Update to Flash BIOS for the Gateway 2000
486 Local Bus Systems - will run smoothly
GMSG201.ZIP GenMSG ASCII editor/FidoNet/Internet/PGP
interface for .MSG base systems.
GNOMES1.ZIP GNOMES- Free DOS utility: tagline displayer
v1.01, 09/10/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
Anderson - Reign Ware.
Files: 6 09-10-93...09-10-93 New: 5
GRABLIN2.ZIP An update to GRABLINE. A program that
allows you to read in a file, tag just the
lines you want and save them to a file.
GRABTSR.ZIP A TSR program that allows you to tag just
the lines you want from ANY text screen and
save them to a file.
GSAR106.ZIP Finds And Optionally Replaces Strings in
Both Text And Binary Files. Fast!
HIVIDEO.ZIP HiVIDEO v2.03 ASP - DOS Memory Expander for
VGA/EGA systems. The unused graphics memory
of the VGA/EGA display adapter in text mode
is used to expand the conventional DOS
memory by 96kB. No graphic can be used if
this mode is on. The expansion can be
switched on and off dynamically from the
command line.
HOLDON21.ZIP HOLDON Version 2.10 is a variable delay
program for batch files. HOLDON has three
different ranges. Seconds, milliseconds,
and eighteenths of a second - independent of
CPU speed. $6 Reg.
HOTDIR73.ZIP HotDIR Plus v7.3: color sorted directory
util; many color and display options such as
1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 column display;
IBMTRDBO.ZIP Driver Disk For IBM tr Lanstreamer Includes
DOS And Os2 Ndis Driver.
IFP1P157.ZIP INFOPLUS v1.57 - best Systeminfo program
available. Free. Exe and Doc files 1/2
IFP1S157.ZIP INFOPLUS v1.57 - best Systeminfo program
available. Pascal Sources 2/2
INCUBE1.ZIP Talk to your PC, give it command with your
voice. With a microphone and sound card you
can now talk to your PC, as well as your pc
can talk to you. That's what Incube is all
INPUT311.ZIP INPUT v3.11-Adv. ASK.COM replacement <ASP>
Allows you to ask questions and receive
input inBATs. Full color, many options for
returning input. Returns errorlevel, ETC
FAR superior to DOS 6.0's CHOICE.
INSP110D.ZIP InspectA (DOS) File/Archive/Packet mgr
INSTLBTM.ZIP 4DOS .BTM batch file that creates individual
batch files to run programs user specifies
Files: 2 09-12-93...09-12-93 New: 2
INTER36A.ZIP MS DOS Interrupt List
INTER36B.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List Release 36 2of4
INTER36C.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List Release 36 3of4
IOTAL20C.ZIP Utility to build index for fast searches.
nearly instantaneous keyword searches
IPRO307.ZIP Install-Pro 3.07 Automated Install System
allows your application to be installed
reliably on any personal computer. Supports
foreign language translations, multi-disk
files,zip files and much more. $40 Register
JFF20C.ZIP Jason's File Finder v2.0c - Powerful, Fast,
and easy to use File Finder.
KBCLEAR.ZIP KBCLEAR handy utility which provides many
addt'l CHOICE opportunities for DOS 6.0 for
batch files
KBSET100.ZIP KBSet 1.00 - Change NumLock for DOS & OS/2
Small *FREE* utilities to allow you to set
the keyboard toggles (NumLock, CapsLock, and
ScrollLock) to a desired state for DOS and
OS/2 2.x. Written by Jibben Software.
KEYCACHE.ZIP Keycache Is A Tsr Program That Accelerates
Keyboard Input By Looking At What You Have
Typed And Showing You A List Of Words That
Start With It. At The Touch Of A Single Key
Or The Click Of A Mouse, Keycache Will "Type"
KEYS1_0.ZIP Short file to config. Keyboard on bootup.
KILLD134.ZIP Remove entire directories in one hit. Kills
hidden/system/readonly files. allows
pruning of directories.
KWS140.ZIP KEYWORD SEARCH v1.40 - Search for keywords
within text & binary files. Grep, boolean,
fuzzy searches, onscreen highlighting, line
numbers, totals, @filelists, subdir
scans,etc reads/converts Unix & Mac text
files, more.
LAPCLOCK.ZIP A battery clock program for laptop users.
Very tiny 600 byte TSR. Free!
LDV151.ZIP LookDisk v1.51: DOS-character mode pgm that
is not command-line driven but uses windows
& push buttons for the user interface
w/mouse and/or keyboard support;
LIGHTNG1.ZIP Layman's Guide to Surge Protection by Todd
LMOUS623.ZIP Logitech Mouse Drivers v6.2 Includes DOS and
Windows Drivers
MAKV2_6.ZIP Bunch Of handy batch files.... 16 Files.
MAM1_09.ZIP Memory Allocation Manager is a small DOS
utility that provides the funcitonality of
Quaterdecks Manifest program with additional
features like that found in MARK and
RELEASE. Provides at a glance all info.
required about the PC's current memory use
and hardware.
MCLK101.ZIP MCLK- Free DOS utility: colorful moving
clock display v1.01, 09/10/93. (c) 1993 by
David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware. MCLK
displays the system time on the screen,
changing the location and color of the time
display every second. W/ PASCAL source.
Files: 5 09-10-93...09-10-93 New: 4
MEMSZ141.ZIP MEMSIZE Ver 1.41 display total disk space
free space percent free-graphic display
space Show all types of free memory
available. display amount of Enviroment
spaced used.
MGRAF240.ZIP Timegraph And Daygraph V2.40 shows max
System USAge by hour and by day respectively.
MINIWORD.ZIP Small, fast text editor. On-line support
available from author. Shareware.
MKU.ZIP MSDOS & MS Windows Shareware Make Utility -
A very powerful, yet simple to use, make
program to automate program building. A
superset of the original UNIX make program
with some powerful extension for MSDOS.
MLTIBOOT.ZIP Examples of DOS 6.0 Multiboot.
MOUSE900.ZIP Mouse Drivers 9.0 with Himem 3.60
MOVE120.ZIP MOVE v1.20 - EXCELLENT File Utility to Move
or Redirect files from one directory to
another. MOVE is Very FAST. And the
command line syntax is easy to use. This
program is great for those wanting an
efficient DOS enhancement tool; 07-28-93
Andrew Hardej.
MSCOMM.ZIP Updated comm drivers for Visual Basic 3.
This fixes the problem where the Oncom event
Will not fire on occasion when communicating
with a 14.4 modem.
MULCO303.ZIP MULTICOL.EXE: Program creates multiple
column listings from straight ASCII text,
ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files. Also
does subtotalling.
MXMENU.ZIP Computer Tyme's dos shell.something like
ndos only more comprehensive and a lot
better in lots of ways.makers of Directory
Manager DM3 - the best shell in the
business. MarxMenu
NCCLIB.ZIP National Computer Consultants Library.
different OOP, windows, mouse, menu items,
NIFTIE11.ZIP This package contains four useful utilities:
DOSCOLOR (for setting foreground,
background, and border colors), FFINDER (a
capable and flexible file finder), MDEL ( a
flexible file deleter), SDEL ( cycles
through all the files in a certain
directory, and allows you to selectively
delete them.)
NNANS593.ZIP NNANSI Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI console Driver
for EGA/VGA displays. Version compiled 5/93
NOSH15.ZIP Version 1.5 of NoShell.COM - allows you to
require a password for any attempt to shell
to DOS. Use as part of comprehensive system
security / menuing package. Includes docs.
Public Domain software offered by the author.
NOVDOS7.ZIP Novell DOS 7 Press Release.
NTBAN11.ZIP NTbanner ver 1.1 memory utility.
OEMCLIP.ZIP OemClip fixes incompatibilities between DOS
apps & MS-Windows' clipboard;
PATHTL22.ZIP PathTool v2.2 powerful utility which easily
lets users modify PATH by using straight
forward commands. Generates Path longer
than 121 bytes - POWERFUL! Non-PATH
environment variables can also be modified.
Modify the INCLUDE & LIB variables for your
PB23.ZIP Playback v2.3: captures your keystrokes,
including the delay between keystrokes, &
lets you play them back w/hot-keys, as an
executable file, via a batch file, or from a
pointn-shoot menu;
PCCLK300.ZIP PCCLOCK v3.00: sets your computer's date and
time quickly, conveniently, and
automatically via modem by calling the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology's atomic clock in Boulder,
Colorado; reqs graphics card;modem
PCL60A.ZIP PC-Learn Beginners Computer Tutorial Ver 6.0
Part One of Two Complete beginners tutorial
Study DOS, history of computers, batch
files, virus prevention, how to buy a PC,
PCL60B.ZIP PC LEARN ver 6.0: File 2 of 2 Upgrade files
PCMOUS12.ZIP PC-Mouse. Paste what you have Cut with your
Mouse in the text mode of Dos or OS/2 VDM.
PCMPROGA.ZIP Latest pc magazine utilities, volume I
PCMPROGB.ZIP Latest pc magazine utilities, volume II
PC_DOS61.ZIP IBM Anouncment of PC-DOS 6.1! This is What
MS-DOS 6.0 Should Have Been! Has Number to
Order And Everything.
PD0836.ZIP Info on MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace API and CVF
from MS BBS, includes DSDUMP.EXE test program
PDOX693.ZIP Paradox for DOS technical tips and updates
accumulated May 93.
PERFORM.ZIP Benchmark comparisons for pcs, ws.
PETPE305.ZIP L pE - The "perfect" Editor v3.05:
Multi-file text editor. Up to 20 overlayed
or tiled windows. Any size file, mouse
support, pull down menus (and/or Alt-key
commands), cut/paste, document mode (word
wrap, paragraph reform) Auto box drawing,
PHONE11.ZIP Fast Phone directory utility for Dos,
Blindingly fast searches, virus self checker
PJ06798.ZIP Fix for APAR PJ06798. Replacement HPFS.IFS
to fix lockups on DosRead at the volume
level. Fixes GammaTech Undelete utility.
PM35.ZIP Path Master 3.5 The Ultimate Path Utility!
Choose Your Path From A Menu, Configure 20
Paths, Add A Directory, Delete One, And Use
Your Mouse. Forget All That Typing or
Stretching Your Environment For A Long Path.
and LIST your version files. This is really
all you need.
PRFP102.ZIP Pesudo-Random File Picker v. 1.02 - Select
from up to 700 files for random selection.
Great for sysops who want to pick random
screens, page tunes, etc. Also nice for
anyone who needs random files such as BMPs,
screen savers, etc.
QDIR122.ZIP QuickDir V1.22 <ASP> - Powerful DOS Manager.
Easy DOS, Archive, Dupe utils. Maintain
your hard drive and LAN. Over 50 DOS
Functions. instantly. Only 98K, Single
exe, and very FAST and EASY! NEW:
Configurable Dir Tree, Print Option, Mouse
Support, More Reg $29 ASP
QEMM70TN.ZIP READ.ME and *.TEC (TechNote) files supplied
with Quarterdeck's QEMM 7.0 (new version,
just released, dated 08 Jun 1993).
QEMM7REL.ZIP Info on QEMM release 7.0 (DVN).
QEMM7TEC.ZIP Info re: Quarterdeck's new QEMM version 7
What's new and how much the upgrade costs
($35 plus $5 shipping & fondling): 06/01/93.
QEMMDOS6.ZIP Tec note About QEMM386 and MS-DOS-6
compatibility. From Quarterdec's BBS.
QKILL100.ZIP Qwik-Kill v1.00 - A small utility for
killing files that are WASTING disk space.
QNV.ZIP Non-memory resident ASCII text file viewer.
Mouse aware. Search up to one sentence.
QUTIL2.ZIP Group of nix-Like Utilities. 8 utilites in
all including Qdate, Qcal, Qbanner, Qsleep..
RAND20.ZIP RAND 2.0-Random errorlevel generator [ASP]
Generates a random errorlevel, any number
between 0-x, where x can be up to 255. Can
also be used to generate unique file names.
RDATE.ZIP Simple prog to tell date in batch files.
RDIR142.ZIP RDIR (Relative DIRectory size) v1.42:
DIRtype command that also shows the size of
each subdirectory in the form of a pie chart
with point & shoot subdir selection; online
READ112G.ZIP Read ASCII File Viewer by Robert May READ
Uses: Display, search and browse binary &
ASCII Files. Handy for viewing Hard Drive
Directories, copying, moving and pasting.
READ30.ZIP READ IT v3.0: Text viewer for speech sys.
Text file viewer desinged for use by both
sighted and visually impaired persons.
READ306.ZIP Free Viewer, Also Make Any Text Self-Viewing.
REFORM12.ZIP IBM: ASCII text file utility to reformat
line length to any size. Also will strip
all CR/LF except those that mark end of
paragraphs. Updated Version 1.2.
REMOVE41.ZIP REMOVED - Version 4.1 - Allows you to remove
multiple directories and subdirectories from
the command line. Will bypass specified dirs
RMDIRX.ZIP SHH! Remove Dir X - quietly removes a dir-
ectory without a DOS error. FREE*BUT*WARE
RRDIR.ZIP Directory Sort utility
RREAD202.ZIP Ralin Reader v2.02 - Versatile text file
reader/manipulator. Mouse support and more!
RWUTLS10.ZIP RWUTLS10- 11 Free DOS text file utilities,
v1.00. INcludes file_id.diz formatter; 0
byte file deleter, disk space displayer,
line enumerator, and more. All w/ PASCAL
S10.ZIP S3 Software's Sloppy DIR replacement. v1.0
Displays 3 columns comprised of File name,
file size and file attributes all sorted
based on the file name.
S3S11.ZIP S3 Software's Sloppy DIR replacement utility
v1.1 (minor bug fix)
SCHR_11.ZIP SEARCHER V1.1 - use w/ Hack report to search
Searches your harddrive directories for
hacked, trogan'd, commercial.. archived
files in any format (.ZIP,ARJ ect..)
SD400.ZIP StupenDOS v4.00: DOS shell/file manager by
Doug Hay (PKWARE). Good utility w/mouse
support, plus use of LIST and your own
editor. Gives PFM a good run for its money.
SDEL.ZIP Directory Sub-Directory Delete Program (Dos)
Quick And Dirty Delete Program With No
Prompts. No Options Needed To Use, 3
Optional Processing Options. D
SDV21.ZIP A text file viewer. Inexpensive util for
programmers to bundle w/their applications
SFTM140.ZIP SFTM.ZIP - System File Table Monitor,
version 1.4. Will list in real-time all
files opened on your system. Compatible
with Lantastic 5.x, Desqview 2.x, Windows
3.x, MS-DOS 6.x.
SIFT10.ZIP SIFT v1.0 <ASP> - Excellent DOS FIND filter
replacement / enhancement.
SIPLU134.ZIP Systmes Information Plus. Shows a vast
amount of technical information about your
PC. used mainly for diagnostic purposes.
Identifies addon cards etc..
SJ101.ZIP Sj Version01: Split & Join File System.
SLEEK.ZIP SLEEK V3.4 File reformatter/word wrap.
Sleek will remove all EOLS within paragraphs
( CR/LF ) Also gives you the option to word-
wrap from the 10th-60000th column. Great
for wysiwyg WWs and DTP. <ASP>
SPKT460S.EXE Hyperdisk version 4.60
SRCHIT11.ZIP SearchIt v1.1: routine that will print out
lines of a text file that contain a
specified string;
SRTDSC21.ZIP SORTDESC V2.1 Find file descriptions from
either FILE ID.DIZ or captured file
listing(s & move file to a different
directory based on key words in that
description MORE SHAREWARE $15 for
non-commercial users.
ST701UP.ZIP Improved STEALTH.VXD for QEMM 7.0 and 7.01
STAMP134.ZIP Set file attributes, file date and time
individually or all at once. Also generates
zero length files if required.
STARTD22.ZIP Update to Startd - Program to Start A
Synchr. Or Async. DOS or OS/2 Session Dos
Sessions Can Have Custom Settings. This
Resolves Some Problems With OS/2 2.1 And
Increases The Size of The DOS Settings to 4k.
STOW220.ZIP Stowaway v2.20: File archival system, moves
files offline to floppies & frees up HD
space being used by old/inactive files.
SW_44B.ZIP SW v4.4B: enhanced BAT file util that will
eliminate ECHO statements and make your
batch files come alive; puts your messages
in full color windows, up to 5 lines in
SYSCH238.ZIP System info (hardware identification) and
simple CPU/disk/video benchmarks. V2.38.
T2C210.ZIP TXT2COM v2.10 - ASCII to executable
displayer converter program; very easy to
use: 07/27/93 50K text maximum. Archive
contains TSR versn v2.10 adds ability to
turn off row and column counter. $5.00
ShareWare from Keith P. Graham
TAD127.ZIP Time and Date file changer v1.27 from the
From SMSNet SDN. $10 reg.
TASKER18.ZIP DOS event scheduler. Run any program or
batch file while at any time, while you are
away from your PC. For unattended backups,
LANs Works under Windows, DesqView. New
TASKTIME.ZIP Track time spent running different programs.
TBAVX605.ZIP ThunderByte utilities, processor optimized
Files: 21 08-02-93...09-01-93 New: 21
TCPV21CN.ZIP Patch diskette for DOS TCP/IP ver 2.1 NFS
code CSD lvl (IBMnet).
TCT134.ZIP The cALMER TSR - keyboard enhancer with
mouse support, alarm. Can be loaded into
high memory. Function key definition, etc.
THRU2B4.ZIP ThruPut v2.0 BETA 4 - DOS file I/O benchmark.
TIMEVER.ZIP Change the time/date stamp on files. With
Turbo PASCAL source.
TSED.ZIP Toshiba Special Enhancements Disk For DOS
6.0 Includes The Files Needed to Update The
Retail Version of DOS 6.0 For Use on Toshiba
TSR50.ZIP TSR Utilities By RO-SOFT v5.0 - <ASP> DOS
function key macro assignment and command
line edit/recall, Base conversion
calculator, Directory window for file view
and execution, Calendar, Clock w/alarm,
Pop-up help file edit/create w/screen
capture (Mono or Color).
TTYPE13.ZIP TeleType, automated ASCII file viewer. No
user input required.
TUMODD20.ZIP MODDIR v2.0 ■ from Totally Unlimited
Freeware by Tom Rathborne. Lists dir ofMODs
with name, size, title, file formats
TVED11.ZIP FreeWare DOS Windowed Text Editor - improved.
TYPEID13.ZIP PC-Typ ermitteln und als
ULTRA50.ZIP -=≡╪ Ultra Toolbox v5.0 ╪≡=- The Ultimate
Batch Utility. Over 200 functions,
including compression, graphics, sounds,
video, detection, keyboard, files, plus
hundreds more. This thing blows away ALL
OTHER BATCH file utils!
ANY command -EXE, .COM, .BAT or internal.
Better than microsecond precisaion.
Freeware - (c) 1993 Erik de Neve
UPD393.ZIP This is the March update of DR DOS 6.0 You
must have DR DOS 6.0 on your HD or its
worthless to you. "Faster Disk Drive
Access". Numerouse bugs fixed.. DL from
V12N07.ZIP PC Magazine Volume 12 Number 07
V12N09.ZIP PC Magazine files from 5/11/93 includes
V12N10.ZIP PC Magzine files from 5/5/93. Includes
dynamic link library for WINCMD utility,
V12N11.ZIP Files from June 15, 1993 issue of PC
Magazine. Contains ANIMAT.EXE (icon
animator), a Win 3.1 utility that lets you
bring an icon to life by displaying a timed
sequence of icon frames in place of the
ususal static icon. VCOPY2.BAT,
V12N12.ZIP PC Magazine utilities, volume 12 no 12
V12N13.ZIP PC-MAG's FIND Windows 3.1 utility that lets
you scan through a single file, a set of
files, or an entire partition and find all
occurrences of a given string. Also
V12N15.ZIP PC Magazine prgs from Volume 12 Number 15
V12N17.ZIP PC Mag 10/12/93 utils, incl HK (HotKey) w src
VDE17A.ZIP VDE v1.70a is a small, fast, powerful text
file editor/word processor. Full featured.
Ideal for portable and palmtop computers.
Register to get integrated spelling checker.
VL24DRV.ZIP Newest drivers for STB VL24 local bus card
VOL12N06.ZIP PC Magazine Utilities Volume 12 Number 6
VPRW102.EXE From Diamond's BBS. Latest drivers for the
Viper Local Bus Video Accelerator Ver 1.02.
WAITTL10.ZIP Waittil V1.0 A Little Batch File Utility
That Will Pause Execution Until Particular
WCED18C.ZIP Wced is a command line editor. Features
include: history of commands typed, aliasing
of commands, filename completion and command
line editing. Increased command line
editing of DOS while using as little memory
as possible.
WCPU050.ZIP Which CPU, version 5.0, identifies cpu
currently running.
WHERS271.ZIP WhereIs v2.71: utility suitable for piping
file/directory names into other
applications; also handy for
finding/cataloging files on a hard disk;
WNT011.ZIP Nt011.zip - fix error x006b on ibm ps/1.
WSSI527A.ZIP WSSIndex Cataloger v5.27 part 2/2
WSSI527B.ZIP WSSIndex Cataloger v5.27 part 1/2. Build
database of directory info from ARC,ARJ
LZH,ZIP,.EXE, GIF, others. Add comments
query/print options. ASP $35 registration 50
WT210_1.ZIP ** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-1.zip PART 1 Waztree Main program
WT210_2.ZIP ** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-2.zip PART 2 Modem comm program
WT210_3.ZIP ** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-3.zip PART 3 Voice dial program
WT210_4.ZIP ** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-4.zip PART 4 Waztree misc files
WT220.ZIP WazTree V2.20 Directory Utility Plus - File
manager, Copy, Move, Delete, Decompress
Compress, View (GIF, ANSI, ZIP, LZH, Text),
Edit, Config menu to run 40 programs, Modem
XDOS0993.ZIP ExtraDOS Toolbox 09/93 Release A collection
of over 50 DOS utilities. Includes
TurboBAT, SpeedRAM, Tidy, CleanUp and many
more. All utilities work with DOS 6.0.
Shareware registration form and manual
included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
Files: 69 09-07-93...09-07-93 New: 41
XEROG10.ZIP XEROG v1.0: will make a copy of all or part
of a file; makes a byte by byte copy &
creates a file with the name you specify;
Z211DOS.ZIP ZipSHOT 2.11 Evaluation - creates
directories for your downloaded archives and
moves them!
_TSGREP.ZIP TSGREP - a regular express line extractor
v4.6 - searches files and lists line
matching a search string.